El Yunqure Rainforest // Let us be tropical

Sunday, September 18

Hello Everyone! Happy Sunday <3
I couldn't wait to sit down and upload these images to share with you all! Past Thursday after lunch, Lianne and I decided to do a spontaneous little trip to El Yunque Rainforest. No matter how many times I go, soaking in so much beauty is always overwhelming... nature makes you feels so small! 

Hola a todos! Felíz Domingo <3
Un día antes de irme de Puerto Rico Lianne y yo fuimos a almorzar y decidimos visitar El Yunque. Aquí les comparto varias fotos de nuestra pequeña aventura! No importa cuántas veces lo visite su belleza no deja de impresionar. 

By the way, Lianne and I were twinning thanks to the tops my mom made for us! Aren't they pretty? Ideal for tropical weather. 
Hope it inspires! Until next time,

Por cierto, Lianne y yo estábamos modelando unos tops que tejió mi mamá, son hermosos! Perfectos para el clima tropical!

Espero que les inspire! 
Hasta pronto,

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Francheska Irizarry said...

Esos tejidos están bellos!


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